In December of 2021, I had the opportunity to create an indoor mural for BodyArc, a new fitness center in Richmond, Virginia. The design requirements were very open, but I did need to keep everything within a specific color palette the client had in mind. The mural was completed in 7 sessions in about 21 hours total.

The orignal sketch. In the upper right corner is the color palette I had to work with.

I was able to get started very shortly after getting the design approved! Had to make some slight adjustments to not paint over things like wall outlets.

Flat colors were getting put in quickly!

I worked in a slightly different order than usual. I went ahead and got details in for one figure before getting flat color on the other because of the way they overlap. It was a lot simpler for me to paint one person and then paint the other on top!

I got so invested in the process, that I didn’t get a chance to document the progress on the blue character.

More and more details!

Can’t forget about the puppy dog.

Feelin accomplished. The mural was finished with just a few days left before graduating college.