In October of 2022, I was contacted to create a small mural for The Alley, a small DIY music venue in an alley. The space sits behind a shop in Carytown, Richmond called AlterNatives. The piece was done in one day, since I had to drive 9 hours both ways to create this project. It was so much fun to put together something so quickly though.

quick digital sketch!

The wall was already primed for me when I got there, so I was able to jump right in with my sketch!

The flat colors were quickly brought in

Time was flying by but I was on a roll! It was quickly coming together

I dragged my husband along for this trip to take these progress shots for me :)

…But I did manage to get one of him

After a very crazy day, the piece was done!

I was wiped out but so happy with the final product! Rested well for the 9-hour drive back to Nashville after!!